Our Solutions
- We don’t use templates!!!
- Every business’s goals are unique – there is no one-size-fits-all solution out there. Specific goals require specific needs, which are rarely fulfilled with a template.
- Our designs are made from scratch to achieve the exact site that you’ve envisioned.
- We customize the website theme based on your business logo colors. We will give your small business a professional look.
- Our job as a designer is to carefully consider the needs of the client and with their input create a solution.
- Responsive web design is the most important feature that you can add to your website.
- Our websites are designed with responsive layouts that can gracefully adapt to the growing number of mobile devices with their relatively small screens.
- A desktop can display a website design with multiple columns of content while a smartphone can have the same content shown in a single column with text and images appropriately sized to be read on that smaller display.
- Your logo is crucial to the success of your business and is one of the most important images associated with a website and with a company.
- The logo is a graphic representation of the company, should be unique and memorable and designed professionally.
- What makes the design so important is that it creates an image, that when seen is unique to your business and makes clients recognize your company automatically. We design your logo using graphic software such as Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Photoshop.
My designs utilize WordPress, which can be used:
- as fully functioning Content Management System or
- as a blogging site (allowing visitors to leave comments and messages to each other)
Once your website is up and running, simply logging into your site you will be able to update your pages, posts and make any changes you desire.
Social Media
Social Media and the website should work together to promote your brand
- We add your social media / share / follow buttons to in order promote your business’ presence on various social networks and help you generate fans/followers for those particular accounts.
- We create a social sharing image representing your business when your business URL is shared on any social media
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) enables visitors to find your website when looking for your product or service on search engines such as Google, Yahoo or Bing. More than 90% of referrals come from the first page of results, so your company’s website must be visible to get business. We optimize your website to help your business achieve ranking on popular search engines.
What Is Important To Search Engines?
- Relevant Results To A Searcher’s Query
- The Quality of Your Content
- User Experience – Easy Navigation
- Cross-Device Compatibility – Responsive Design
- Internal Linking
- Meta Descriptions And Title Tags
- Properly Tagged Images
- Social Media Promoting
More advanced SEO services are handled by the SEO professionals, who specialize in Search Engine Optimization and provide their services for a monthly fee.
Basic Website Maintenance
- Your website design includes free Basic Website Maintenance for 30 days from the date your website became active on your server.
- Basic Maintenance includes any minor changes to your website pages such as adding text, minor changes to paragraphs, inserting new links (up to 1/2 hour per website).
- More advanced changes (complete updates, additional pages, new navigation structure, new images and video) will require additional cost based on a rate of $75/hour.
Technical Website Maintenance $50/month
Security is the most important reason why you should keep your WordPress website up to date. We offer regular:
- WordPress Core Updates
- Plugins And Themes Updates (As needed)
- Monthly Security Scans
- Files and Database Backups
- 1/2 hour of Basic Website Maintenance per month